Let's Circle Up

This afternoon I was in a meeting of women. There were 10 of us comfortably sitting in our homes and participating in conversation. I quickly reminded myself that I really missed these get togethers. I hop on when I can, and I had forgotten all about these meetings when there arrives in my inbox a reminder.  I took this as a sign that I was supposed to hop on and so I did. 

This group has some formality to it but mostly it is a time to share what is on your mind and heart. Today's topic was control. We all shared how our efforts to control anything outside ourselves was fruitless. At times, it is difficult to have control over our own behaviors. At the end of the day, we can only really control how we respond to an event, or a person. 

This circle of women is exactly what I imagine and want to manifest with my group coaching process. I would definitely add time for creation, whether it is collage, journaling, mix media, tangling, or a combination. 

For all you women out there can you envision this? I would love to get your feedback as that is the only way I can grow and improve. Thanks in advance.